No such thing as Lyme disease!

1 year ago

It was & is always HIV AIDS caused by the GP 120 injected!
Treating people with antibiotic protocols destroys their gut microbiome, therefore destroys their health!

Dr Judy Mikovits: "When you make up diseases like COVID, or Long Haul COVID, or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Lyme Disease, now everybody's mad at me. Oh, you said there's no such thing as Lyme Disease. And the answer, there's not! It was it is always HIV AIDS caused by the GP 120 injected.
Okay, you just injected GP 120, the HIV glyco protein, the surface unit, the spiked unit and the transmembrane protein, which I think I said first....
ooooh 1991 99 2004 2008 2016… And you just kept calling it Chronic Lyme Disease, when there's no such thing.
You treated these people with horrific antibiotic protocols, you destroyed their gut microbiome destroyed their health. You put mask on them and cause cancer because they couldn't breathe oxygen and put out the fire. Oh, that's science."
Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 08/07/2023

Full episode with Clay Clark (link also on my website):

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