Game of fetch with Newfoundland comes to abrupt end

7 years ago

Sebastian the Newfoundland instantly destroys all fetch balls, but with that adorably innocent face, you just can't get mad! Besides, it’s not his fault that he has such a big muzzle and the ball is so weak :D

If you ever came across a Newfoundland dog, then you probably know how big and menacing they look. Newfoundland dogs are massive beasts, with their thick black fur coat and deep set eyes that make them look like they came right out of the underworld. But just like any good “don’t judge a book by its cover” story, these dogs are not as they seem!

As massive as they might be, Newfoundlands are just big teddy bears that just love to be loved! Playtime is never a bore with them, just like it isn’t with little Sebastian here!

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