Expedition 69 space Station crew answers Galveston,texas students Question,14 AUG 2023

1 year ago

14 Aug 2023
The crew of Expedition 69 on the space station answered questions from Galveston, Texas students, providing insights and information about life in space, scientific experiments, and daily routines. Their interaction with the students gave a fascinating glimpse into the challenges and excitement of living and working aboard the space station.#Expedition69 Space Station crew engaged with students from Galveston, Texas, answering their questions about life in space, conducting experiments, and their daily routines. This unique interaction provided valuable insights into the world of space exploration, inspiring young minds to reach for the stars. #SpaceEducation #GalvestonStudents #NASAExploration#Expedition69 crew members, currently on the Space Station, took time to connect with inquisitive students from Galveston, Texas. Their responses illuminated the wonders of space life, offering a captivating peek into the scientific experiments, challenges, and triumphs of their journey. This educational exchange fosters curiosity and ignites a passion for space exploration among the next generation. #GalvestonStudents #SpaceStationQandA #InspiringTheFuture #NASAExpedition

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