Q Washington

1 year ago

Q Washington

August 16th, 2023

Father Ephraim: Most everything I see, it could be past, it could be present or future, normally present or future, so I am not saying that this is going on in real time today, it might be, or it could be in the near future. Yeah, the streets are just–the Holy Spirit is taking me up to a higher level-And there are platoons and brigades of military, I see some-a couple of tanks just on the one side, they have the fences covered over so people could not see them from the street, but the Lord took me up a little higher. And several toddlers-up to-and then up to twelve and fourteen, up or down and in between, just a longline of children that they are marching out, you know, gosh, at least I would have thought that they would have waited until dark, I think somebody rescued those children.

Sister Geryl: Well-Father Ephraim continues-I saw a fire, and it looked like someone started a random protester fire out in the streets, but then it began to spread and so I tried to bring my focus back and the Lord just kind of took me down like He does to the upper lower level. At some point, whatever is attached to the Capitol Dome, whatever those buildings are, the one on the right looks like it is on fire big time.

Sister Geryl: Well, that whole area is supposed to be destroyed by God, because that is where–you know, the whole-

Father Ephraim: I mean you can look down the street and miles down you can see fire and smoke.

Sister Geryl: The whole thing is the pentagram. AndI had heard some of this stuff but I really did not understand it, you know, years before, but you have got the Capitol and then you have got the Washington Monument and then down the road in Virginia there is a Masonic temple and they are all connected and I never knew that until now, and the Lord is taking all of that out, it is not going to stand.

Father Ephraim: Mm. Wow. Well, either in the near future or soon, if not right now, today, the protesters are just growing, they look like ants pressed together, they are just shoulder to shoulder.

Sister Geryl: I never watch the news and I just got kicked off my network again so I cannot even go on internet.

Father Ephraim: I have got an iPad but the internet has been acting kind of weird, just like the radios. You will be on something, and it will skip over to something else.

Sister Geryl: Well, they are supposed to shut it down and only open up certain channels for the white hats to pump information into all of us, all the stuff that we already know.

Father Ephraim: How many-How many days till–the most-the last date they gave? For the Inauguration?

Sister Geryl: Today is what-the seventeenth? The twenty-third, Sunday. This coming Sunday today isTuesday.

Father Ephraim: Man, that is only five days away. When-Obviously when that happens, the country is going to, you know, at least politically, split, and later on the water will divide the country.

Sister Geryl: But that may be why the protests are going on now, why-because the white hats wanted to have some sort of event that would force them to have no-to force everybody to be in martial law and to stay in their houses. And that is when they would open up only the channels, cancel out all the MSM and open up only channels that they can pump out information.

Father Ephraim: Are you talking about under Biden or when Trump comes in?

Sister Geryl: No, no, I am talking about now, in order, in preparation for Trump coming in.

Father Ephraim: Oh, ok.

Sister Geryl: I was not sure about the timing, butit makes sense that this would happen before Trump got in because people would have to be told what is going on, they are not going to be told what is going on after Trump goes in.

Father Ephraim: You know-You know what I think? Part-Part of it is that people are not dumb by any means, and they know how to get good, reliable alternate news-

Sister Geryl: Right.

Father Ephraim: And stuff.

Sister Geryl: Right.

Father Ephraim: And enough people are starting to say, ‘look, something is wrong with this.’

Sister Geryl: Well, you know-

Father Ephraim: They are coming out of their houses-People protesting in DC in front of the Capitol Dome.

Mother Clare: You said people were crowding in.

Father Ephraim: Right. A crush of people in front of the entrance to the-

Mother Clare: Was it Trump’s general?

Father Ephraim: Honey, you have to let me finish.

Mother Clare: Ok. Go ahead.

Father Ephraim: Or I will–I will lose it.

Mother Clare: Ok.

Father Ephraim: In front of that gate, when you go in on that side, or whatever side it is that you go in, tourists’ stuff-It was like there were-at first there a few police cars and stuff like that, and pretty soon, you know, Special Teams were coming in and SWAT vehicles, and they parked their cars kind of angular-

Mother Clare: Uh-huh.

Father Ephraim: Because of-People are not dumb by any means, and they know a lot of things are just not right.

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