Type of Supermoons: Don’t Miss Out On The Next 2023!

1 year ago

A Super Moon is an impressive sight in the night sky – glowing larger and brighter than a typical full moon, it can be a spectacular show for stargazers. Super Moons occur when the moon is at the closest point in its orbit to Earth and its gravitational pull is strongest, making it appear larger than normal.
The various types of Super Moons all have different names, and each is special in its own way. In this video, we will go through what are some of the most common types of Super Moons and what makes them so remarkable.
First, what exactly is a Super Moon?
A Blood Moon is a type of Super Moons. This makes for a spectacularly large and bright moon in the night sky. During a Blood Moon, the Moon can appear to be a vivid red or orange color, hence its name, making for some truly stunning visuals.

Another type is the Blue Moon.
We’ve all used the expression “once every blue moon” to describe something that happens rarely, like going to the gym for example

A Harvest Moon occurs when the full moon is closest to the autumnal equinox, that is, the first day of autumn. Equinox is like a special day that happens twice a year. On the day of the Equinox, the sun is right in the middle of the earth, so it's like the sun is giving us a big hug!

And finally, there is the Pink Moon.
Just like the Harvest Moon rises in time for Autumn, this type of Super Moon occurs when the full moon is closest to the spring equinox.

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