Common Sense Against Dictatorship

1 year ago

Calasia reads some of Common Sense by Thomas Paine. Change needs to be done to the way we do our laws. We will be petitioning and not be heard. Thomas Paine told us this was coming. Dictatorship is already in the works. We have a problem with the backing of our money now. Emergency power given can become a dictatorship. A friend can not change an enemy by changing a name. But names can be polluted by what people do under that name. Guardianship is not the right kind of government. Our protections are being used in the wrong way, nor are supported in the right way. Then she moves to our how our body as the Temple of GOD, for the Holy Spirit, to protect. Women do not have equal rights, nor is age protected to be able to work either, this among many wrongs happening in the USA. Calasia calls for our people to unite and make a new plan for revamping things to Make America Great Again.

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