SCARY: I Was FEET Away From A Car Crash And It Shook Me Up...

1 year ago

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Sara was in Atlanta on Tuesday to report on the latest indictments aimed at President Trump. But after a full day of interviews and reporting on a very important story, she left thinking about three disturbing incidents near her location there and how they illustrate the value and brevity of life.

Sara walks us through a horrifying accident of an SUV colliding with a motorcyclist, who suffered very serious injuries. Moments later another vehicle slammed into a police car in the other direction. All of this just moments before she was scheduled to go live with Sean Hannity.

Finally, Sara witnessed more zombie-like behaviors of drug addicts, just as she has seen in so many other American cities. It's a reminder to treasure the life God has given you, make sure the people close to you know you love them, and realize that none of us are promised tomorrow.

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