Lindell Election Summit - August 17, 2023

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Lindell Election Summit - August 17, 2023

9AM - 9 PM CT
Day 2: The Plan
7am-9am: Doors Open

9am-9:15am Welcome

9:15am-12:30pm Defining the Problem with Our Election Platforms (MC Mike Lindell)

Patrick Colbeck

Dr. Doug Frank

Jeff O’Donnell

Prof. Dave Clements

Kurt Olsen

BREAK (Countdown to the Plan)

1pm-4pm: The Plan to Secure Our Elections Immediately (Mike Lindell)

4pm-9pm: How We Convert The Plan to Action

Mike Lindell

Dr. Walter Daugherty, Jeff O’Donnell, Clay Parikh, and Dr. Charles Bernardin

Dr. Doug Frank and Seth Keshel

Linda Rantz

Patrick Colbeck, Phani Mantravadi, and Tim Vetter

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