10 Gauge Bismuth Hand Load Impressive Patterns for Waterfowl Hunting #10ga #PAWaterfowler

1 year ago

This is my recently developed 10ga bismuth hand load. I really hope everyone appreciates this information as I went through 6-7lbs of bismuth until I got exactly what I was looking for. I did not make a tutorial on making the load, but I can if folks are interested.

This video is for informational purposes only. This is not published load data and is not advice or instruction on correct loading information or practices. Load at your own risk.

Recipe that I used:
10ga Bismuth Load
-Remington High basewad hull, but can trim low basewad rem hulls to 3.375” to 3.4” or ched hulls
-Cx2000 primer or substitute win 209
-42.8gr Blue Dot
-BP1044 wad (flare gas seal)
-1 mythin Mylar wrap
-1/8” felt in bottom of wad
-1-7/8oz bismuth 2 shot
-32.5 to 35gr PSB buffer

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