They wouldn't let him tell the truth about COVID | Redacted with Clayton Morris

1 year ago

Novice journalist Rav Arora tried to report on myocarditis early on in the Covid vaccine roll out and mainstream media told him that they would not publish those things because they were "pro vaccine." Is it the media's job to be pro vaccine? Isn't it their job to be pro-truth no matter how that shakes out for vaccines. Journalist Rav Arora tells his story of trying to get the truth out there about vaccine adverse reactions.

I personaly know a 17 year old girl who got this heart issue from the vjab she quit her high school exams, quit working and spends her time close to hospital doing n nothing with her young life. A 25 yr old who moved here from thialand got this heart issue from the vjab she quit her job, said goodbye to her new friends and life and moved back home to her parents.

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