Breaking A Hard 2 in. by 2 in. by 8 ft. Lumber On My Upper Left Arm (Warning: Contains Curse Words)

1 year ago

this video contains curse words. I wish my brother Johnathan didn't curse in the video or at all, but he didn't know Jesus Christ as his personal Lord & Savior at that time, so curse words would fly out of his mouth every now and then.

The curse words don't come until a few seconds after my brother hits me with the hard 2 by 2 piece of wood.

If you don't want to hear the curse words, just turn down the volume or press mute.

We accidently left the video camera recording so you can hear our conversation about breaking that 2 by 2 over my body and about other things too. You might find it entertaining to listen too.

I had been wanting to break a 2 by 2 after seeing another martial artists break some boards with his body, so I began doing body hardening techniques to prepare for the impact of boards, wood across my body. When I thought that I was ready, we got some real wood 2 by 2 boards and recorded Johnathan breaking them over different parts of my body. This was the first time I had a 2 by 2 piece of wood broken over my left upper arm, over the left bicep.

If you haven't watched the video already, go ahead and watch the video to see what happens.

To those who watched the video I say, Thank You for watching this video.

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