The Offworld Chronicles (OWC) - An Intro

1 year ago

In this video, I will provide to you an introduction to the world of The Offworld Chronicles, as well as the characters, locations, and much more. It won't cover everything, as there's simply too much there to cover in one single 45 min video. However, it will act as a primer to get you started, as later videos will continue to fill in more and more details about the universe, some of which is in the books, and some of which is cannon, but outside of the books themselves and only available in the wiki.

If you want to learn more about my books, you can check them out on my website at:

If you'd like to read my wiki, and learn more about all of my writing worlds, you can find that here:

Due note, I treat my wiki as sort of a "writing notepad", so it's purpose is more to help me keep everything straight in my writing worlds, and thus is filled with a lot of examples that are meant only for me. However, you are welcome to browse the wiki all you want and learn everything you desire about my LOTL universe, as well as all the other writing universes that my books exist in.

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