I am talking about 'The Spirit IN The Body”

1 year ago

I am talking about “The Spirit IN The Body” ( Inspirit i on…;) )

A lot of us know yoga. I’ve studied Yoga, pilates, i started with ballet, i learned modern dance and then studied Bhutoh Dancing, and some African Dancing, and now I teach Ballet to small people- 2 1/2 to ten
.0045 What I want to talk about tis NOT a set of organised steps that someone tells you how to do it- with a ‘special name’! A ’special name’ that you have no idea what it means, because it comes for another, ancient culture, (yoga)- amazing stuff HOWEVER< dictated by people aeons ago, in another country, with different bodies, different climate, different diet, - as though every human person is a cardboard cut-out- and we are not!
1.15 And maybe that is what this ‘dark’ culture wants to make of us: cardboard cut-outs, the ‘hive’ mentality….that’s the most easily-controlled mechanism. However, we are NOT: we are eternal, Source-energy Beings, beautifully individualised in these physical bodies. So how could you move- how could you do something in the same way as everybody else?
1.44 People spend thousands to train themselves, so that they are ‘as good’ as A,B,C and D, so that stye all teach exactly, precisely the same thing because, ‘only that is right’. It is just INSANITY, brain-washing.
2.00 When I was going my meditation in SUBUD, in a room of 900 woman all moving around with our eyes closed, I was one of those who would be dancing around, between them all, eyes shut- and sometimes eyes open just for fun to see what every one else was doing. This is the truth: we have guided wisdom……
2.30 The eyes are the last of our seeing ability….The eyes are beautiful and wonderful…..However, we see far more without our eyes.
2.50 It’s a brilliant game to do with a dance company, or a group of children or adults ( at any kind of trust-requiring solution meeting)- you have to move around with your eyes closed, or you have a partner you have to trust, and you move around and are guided by another.
.20 So…you don’t need your eyes to move, You don’t need an instructor to tell you what is, “right” and what is, “wrong”. All you DO need is, to plug yourself ‘in’, to tune yourself in, because your body - trillions of cells come together run this beautiful community, working for the purpose of enabling your existence, is guided by whatever you decide to connect it to: Source Energy and goodness.
4.00 What do I want show you in they big ol’ room?
I am going to start with some simple body-parts: I have been working heavily at the computer this past month, as I began this campaign, and my body wants some rebalancing.
4.50 I spoke briefly yesterday about how the way you move THROUGH space, has a reverberation INTO space. - for example, I show, if you move in a kind of robotic way, can’t you see how that ‘jolts’ the air?
5.00 The example of the fluorescent blinking ceiling lights- only visible on the video and no longer to our eyes: this is what we are being swamped and invaded by: movements, which are ‘anti-human’.
5.20 Look at a body, and look at how smooth the movements can be. When I am receiving ‘heavy’ (good) energy in the sessions you can’t help but see I often sway back and forth- and you all will have experienced this at some point- perhaps transposed by a piece of sublime music…?
5.55 because the body is moving in resonance….
6.06 And when we move, we are affecting not only ourself, but the space, the air - transcending it with our energy.
6.30 I can feel pressing down on my fingers from six inches away, for example: we may not be attuned any more to feeling the auric presence, the energy field, the toroid of our soul frequency, but it is there.
7.00 If you were elated, you would have a very beautiful effect onto your environment. There are three things you are doing with movement in your lives:
you have release- sexual release- that’s amazing, by yourself or with your beloved. You have release of tense muscles.
the joy of the movement ( once you have relaxed, untangled muscles.)- experiencing your body in space.
and movement as art, sport, entertainment and physical manifestation.
9.30 So What I want to do with this new series of videos, I just want to inspire you to love yourself, to re-connect with your body. Because the body does everything for you everyday- no matter what you bombard it with. It all comes into this frame.
10.20 I am almost 52, and why am i still bouncing around, teaching. i feel I am less than half way though. A lots of people ‘give up’ because of taking on the programme- ‘what happens when I get older’….
Having a sense of strength means you can do all sorts of things you want to do: gardening, digging, renovating, making etc etc I don’t feel particularly fit right now because i have been sitting a lot more and doing less physical exercise/teaching.
11.50 i want to take some sections of the body and start to think of them a little differently.
12.— Warm-ups usually start with the feet and the neck, as the two poles needing attention, from which to build everything else.
13.00 However, because we are trained to imitate what we see in front of us and we like conformity, doe tot he social pressure of doing otherwise, we often do ourselves a disservice by copying, rather than doing what feels RIGHT for us individually. `’Is the teacher in your body? No.’
13.50 We only follow other peoples system, but we need to find our own system. ( I make ’stuff up’.)
It’s great to have a mirror- not because of vanity, but you get to study your body- how it moves.
14.50 I demonstrate how I can just have a fun time loosening everything up. Showing how our body will tel us what to do next. In a class, you have to follow the teacher’s order.
15.00 So everything I do is about getting you away from a system which is broken and upside-down, and taking you back to your true self.- your human potential. You could playful start, or you could meditatively…

I take you through some wildly contrasting music to show how your body can adapt. Explore the elegance and natural expression of the human aura in basic ballet…
24.00 Big appeal to start thinking about movement: it’s not just, “cool”. I see dance schools teaching children overtly sexualised moves. No one is thinking properly.
25.00 I use The Piano Guys because they bridge from what the children are used to hearing, to structured classical.
26.00 And start thinking about ht lyrics of the songs we listen to…what do they actually man? what are we inputting into our system?
27.00 We have to start thinking gab how we are moving. For example, if you get up from a chair and say, “I’m getting old”- then yes, you will be. You could instead celebrate your strength….

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“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”

You can message me on this page http://www.inspirition.biz/energising-human-potential.html using the email box if you would like to engage in one of these sessions yourself- to expand your tools, your awareness or to re-activate something specific. I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £30 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.

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