IF WE DON'T WAKE UP SOON, ITS GOING TO BE TOO LATE !! - SHARE -(Subsribe and Like) Thank you

1 year ago

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SwT80C it is a zero

"THE CARBON TAXES; past and present AND FUTURE are driving inflation, rising interest rates, POVERTY, destruction of the middle class. Trudeau,harper and all previos parasites crime ministers and all so called selected political parasites (ICLUDING MAYORS<CITY COUNCIL, SCHOOL BOARDS)are all puppets of the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM !!! IF WE DON'T ALL WAKE UP SOON, ITS GOING TO BE TOO LATE !! Look up WEF, AGENDA 2030; WE'RE IN YEAR ONE OF THE 7 YEAR PLAN, end times. 3.5 years or less until all breaks loose."

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