A Murderous War Machine Becomes Your House Wife :: Killer Robot Waifu Audio Roleplay

1 year ago

[A4A] [F4A] [Silly] [Slice of Life] [Light sci-fi themes] [Speaker would kill for you... literally]

While checking out the local swap meet scene one weekend, an actual human-sized automaton catches your eye. You decide to approach the eccentric dumpster diver who owns it; he claims he found it one day while beachcombing, thinking that it was a brand new “self-defense doodad” from Apple. He buffed out the stains and repaired its parts, in order to increase its appeal to potential customers. Unfortunately for him, just about everyone but you is afraid of its many, many rocket cannons. He lights up when you offer your vintage toaster in exchange, leading you to a life of pure bliss (and bloodshed).

Script by u/PeaGroundbreaking403
Give the script a try yourself! : https://www.reddit.com/r/ASMRScriptHaven/comments/10bjahe/a4a_a_murderous_war_machine_becomes_your_house/

Sound Effects:
-Nathanolson on YouTube
-Nature Soundscapes on YouTube
-SoundEffectsArchive on YouTube

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