Public Comment - County Commissioners - 8/15/2023

1 year ago


Public Comment Following-up on emails sent to Commissioners and Department of Health. The purpose of this is to

Public Health Notice -

Evidence for aerosol transfer of sars-cov-2–specific humoral immunity -

InCellDX Long Covid Testing in Australia -

The march of laying out the case for Local Commissioners and Board of Health being responsible for designating spike continues. The basis of these comments is to remove their ability to claim "plausible deniability" if litigation is needed. The ultimate goal is to:

1. Have the S1 subunit of spike designated a biologic agent/toxin/or weapon
2. Have anything making spike in the body designated a toxic substance
3. Require notice of the possibility of a healthcare associated infection due to Long covid b/c the S1 subunit spike makes in the body is causative agent of Long Covid
Step-by-step, piece-by-piece, every presentment, comment, and email becomes evidence to be used, if necessary, in the future.

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