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Isadora Duncan, Her Lost Children & Clearing Inhibitions
Isadora Duncan, Her Lost Children & Clearing Inhibitions
This is useful for anyone if they are trying to understand why they are stopping themselves. There is always going to be a little root cause, and you can find out from yourself quite easily.
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“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”
You can message me on this page using the email box if you would like to engage in one of these sessions yourself- to expand your tools, your awareness or to re-activate something specific. I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £30 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.
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Topic: INSPIRITION: Activating Human Potential 8pm GMT session
Time: Aug 16, 2023 08:00 PM London
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Why am I not dancing on my lawn? I ask myself this question as an example of the limitations we impose upon ourselves and how this can be resolved.
1.45 Having recounted fond memories I then ask for specific information to be shown
2.00 (Higher child voice.) I was always not allowed to dance, really what i wanted was the music on…
2.35 We move forward from the west little girl and we move to an older version of m- the next useful piece of information: having to wear a leotard. I feel fat and ugly because I never saw myself in a mirror…
3.30 Mostly our limitations are horrible erroneous thoughts we have due to circumstances in which we lived. We move forward to the next important moment for more information.
4.00 To dance for me was losing its presence of beauty, because I was adding extra pieces of darkness to it. - These doubts, these fears, pulling on pieces of information form other peoples’ judgements.
4.30 Clearly asking for any more information to help me release my inhibitions of dancing in public places, I instantly start laughing: I am on the stage at Purdue, dancing, where I had a scholarship for Landscape Architecture. i took a side major in contemporary dance, which I loved.
5.10 Seeing myself in the Muses performance. Feeling a little bit of the ugly-duckling int group, despite loving it.
I can see how there is still this sticking place. So Now I probe another possibility: a story which has flown around for many years…
6.30 I introduce the well known contemporary dancer, Isadora Duncan. I found myself living where had lived and danced- dancing barefoot on the dewy lawns- the same ones I went to practice my singing voice on…I always suspected she and I may have a past or a parallel life as each other. So I go to check on this- whether there is anything which can be brought to bear on this issue of allowing myself to dance freely publicly. ( I am circling about with he intensity of the energy flow.)
8.00 I count down from ten to zero. I see the long silk scarf I was given when I was nine, by my aunt. And then I found out how Isadora Duncan died: her long scarf got trapped in the wheel of her car. And i always made that association between the two scarves.
9.00 I ask “Am I , in any way, part of the soul grow, which is Isadora Duncan?” Yes I am.
“Is it one of my present soul parts- when I bring together my soul membership- all parts of my soul essence, which are in different places, is she any part of that? “ Yes she is.
“Is there some way that I can release this negative association with being allowed to dance here?” Yes there is.
“Can you show me what it is that I can do, I would like to know now.” i count down from five to zero.
9.50 “The forgiveness of the involvement of the cabal that she was involved in. She did make deals. She wanted her work to be seen and heard and spread, and she did make one ‘unwitting’ deals. - As most people do. She was drawn in to a darkness, and this is why the consequence were that her children were lost to her in death. There is still an unspoken pain and grief and self judgement, that her dancing: her wish and desire for what she did- for she wished to train hundreds of people into this understanding that this natural impulse of the soul expansion and expression through free movement ( soul-directed), was vitally important to the upliftment of humanity. Because it was a natural regulatory ‘body’ that you could use as your own personal tool, and she knew how powerful it was. But somehow her ambition allowed her to form a disreputable partnership, because it allowed her to have the finance to do what she wanted. She thought she had the freedom through that finance, however, it came with a ticket: and the ticket was the sacrifice of her children. It wasn’t her choice, however, it came to pass. And she is in agony over that. There is a ‘part essence’, which is in despair and a self punishment. I suggest that the children be bought up, so that you can see them, and you can talk to them, and see if some appeasement and ease of love can be generated here.
11.36 I point out how i suddenly stopped moving about.
11.55 (Speaking as Isadora now) “It was a terrible, terrible thing. I somehow knew I shouldn’t have sent you out that day. I somehow knew I should not have done it, but I did, and I did not stop myself in time, I wasn’t properly concentrating. I was not in full awareness. I was not there. And this is what caused me to lose my two children this lifetime.Not to death, but to have them taken from me for a while. It was my self-tortuous punishment, saying, ‘how dare I keep them, when I wasn’t able to when I was neglectful before. I was not neglectful in this lifetime, but I was carrying on that feeling-pain. I wish now to dislodge this pain and to apologise and ask for understanding - from you, my children.- (Deirdre Beatrice Gematria:126 63 and Patrick Augustus Gematria: 207 78) My two dear boy and girl who were lost to me in that car accident as you fell over the bridge into the water, and i somehow felt you- to drown is a horrible thing, I am so sorry. I don’t know what to say. ‘Forgiveness’ is what I want to know how to ask, but I don’t know how to ask for it. I don’t know how to remove this from my system.”
13.22 I decide to ‘pull out of that’ fora moment, as we can, and we are going to see if we can give her some help- because that is a little part of my soul essence which has that memory and that sadness and that entrapment. It’s like a piece of energy caught in almost a loop, and we want to be able to release it and to free it. I decide to count to get there and I am already seeing the next image of a box on a table in the house she used to live in and I will open the box and find something which will help her circumstances.
14.00 In the box are many letters, handwritten, in ink. At first I think these are the letters of her love life,- of hopes and dreams and desires and wishes. I ask for more information as to how this is helpful for her and her children.
14.33 “These are the letters she wrote in despair afterwards, to try and make up for it.” I ask Isadora how this can help her release this? And how can it help her feel her children are taken care of? “ To give them the letters to read.” she says. I understand, these were the letters she wrote to them. …ahh…”over the years you never stopped writing to them?”
15.00 I ask Isadora to take up the letters and hand them to her children- realising she may not be able to touch them, I can see that their hands are present- “they will be able to take their letters. Give them the letters…yes.”
15.22 I can see the hands extending through a sort of screen, she can touch the hands, but she is not allowing herself to touch see or feel her actual children. I explain that, “once they receive these into their hands, they will be able to manifest the content of the letters into their souls and they will understand- or they will certainly read and know what you had intended in your outpourings from those letters. And we will count ten, and when I have finished that, they will have that information and then we will see what happens.:”
16.00 The children speak: “Mama, we knew you were in that place. We knew the dark man was with you, we knew it, we could feel it, we never liked it. He was horrible. And we knew you were somehow in your own entrapment because there was no-one there, was there? - Looking out for you, you were lonely, you had us, but there was no-one there. There was no man around. There was no man who could look after and help and support and you had to do it all with your crazy, crazy ambitions - we knew those, those wishes, those feelings you had, those urgencies - something in side you the had to be. And we were just sort of ‘in the way’. We did feel we were in the way. We were much less compared to ‘that’, that burning passion you had inside you. I am so sorry, we feel sometimes, that we were born- we did wonder whether it was really the right thing to come to you, because you were so very busy with your mission. We are ‘kind of ‘ sorry that we did turn up. It wasn’t very happy for either of us, was it, mother? I am so sorry about that too. And we see that you poured torture upon yourself thereafter, for what happened to us. “
17.17 I go to see how the children are feeling- finding out if they are free, to return to Source field or whether they are in a zone of entrapment. I pull out of the story completely with my command my spirit to remove everything for me which is not authentically me.”
18.00 The girl and the boy are in front of me now- a little older as though they have hung around for awhile. I ‘touch’ them to see if we can get them to leave to their full soul essence and be free from any remaining negotiating soul entrapments in the astral planes- the etheric plane.
19.00 “Hallo little girl.” I apologise for not knowing or recalling her name, I guess “Bethany” (her name is Deirdre Beatrice…) She wants me to use that name and she has a little doll. When I ask her how she is feeling, she says she doesn’t quite know where she is going. I decide we should pray.
19.30 “Prime Creator, Prime Creation, - this little girl essence, will you take her into your self, and restore her to her full soul essence? - That whatever she is here, this ’part-expression’ of her, is allowed to ascend, to collect back into her soul sphere, her soul family, her true energetic source-field, and the same with her brother. - That they are both enabled and allowed, with this soul beautiful blessing of YOUR energy, to return to their place, where they are rightfully and truly restored. And so it is. Thank you.” Are there still any remaining soul-ties to the mother? Is there still something we need to go and resolve?” Yes.
20.45 I go to talk to her: “Isadora Duncan, - quite extraordinary woman you are. That which you pursued int he world, and your legacy still lives on I tell you- it touched me in my life. And all those I knew who danced, were touched by you. Your essence was powerful and beautiful - your intentions were pure, I know. You got wrapped up in the - let’s just call it, the limitations structures of this plane, believing you needed these grand gestures and monies, and that made you a dependant- I know. I am sorry you felt you had to entwine yourself with those ‘forces’ which were beyond your….hmmm ‘foreign’ to your true essence, let’s put it this way.
Let us pray, let us pray that you feel cleaned, cleansed, that you may receive yourself of your burden. That you may receive yourself of your ties. I see you and you look like you feel like you are ‘torn’. And a part of you is pulled into that dark essence, as though they have some kind of irrefutable hold on you - it is not true. You have the ability to reach towards your creation field, and release yourself from this existence, from that story, form any ‘bonds’ you may have incurred, or believed you incurred. Here, I give you a pair of scissors. Now if you imagine you can see the bonds that you believe you created, now you can see them as black ribbon, and you are fully empowered to cut away all and any of those, with these mighty golden scissors. If you wish for help, I will happily give it to you.”
22.50 She is cutting away the black tape form her. “let it dissolve Isadora, as you cut it, let it dissolve, let it fall on the ground and dissolve. It is what we call the ‘black goo’- that is what was on you- the black bindings, the dark bindings. You know that you are always a being of purity and love, and light and bright? It was an entanglement, rathe like the spider tries to entangle the bright insects onto the web. You weren’t as aware as perhaps you could have been, you were perhaps given advice that wasn’t so good. And perhaps you felt too ‘at war’ with yourself and the struggle to maintain this integrity you wish to hold. Cut it away from you - see as you cut, with each cut of the scissors, how it dissolves into thin air. And that which seemed to contain you and constrain you, as it is touched by these sharp blades, literally dissolves into a thousand, into a million, a billion tiny particulates, and they blow away in the wind.
Look at yourself now, do you see the brightness expanding? Are you able to see the glory of your soul now? Can you see this bright spirit? I shall give you a mirror. I wish you to see who you truly are, Isadora. - A very beautiful being.
Your children, do you see them- ad they little hands? They are pretty happy where they are now. You can visit them intros energetic planes if you wish to.
Step into your essence, and take what is yours. - The place of new beginnings and new adventure, allow it to feel through you. Let yourself blossom into that space.
It’s been an honour being with you.”
25.07 “Ah! thank you, that was quite extraordinary.” We go on unexpected journeys…I hope you find it useful to see how anything we have within us always has an origin. We always have the ability to untangle it. Cat up a tree analogy : we always have a way through and it’s there, sitting within us. There are ways, and they are infinite- different tor every human and every situation. Thank goodness! We are not clones, we are individual bright stars.
I exhort you to share these to inspire or touch someone- someone wanting to work with me. I can see this with entire groups- solving anything, because we all all energy. We have storage of infinite information - almost a biological computer- far more than any machine. “We have this intentional power and it starts with our will and our love, it starts with out power of love: knowing we are good, we are love.”
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