NASA Confirms July Hottest Month Of 2023

1 year ago

July 2023 was 1.18°C above the 1951-1980 July average according to NASA's GISTEMP record. The record dates back to 1880, when consistent global 1.0 recordkeeping became possible.
This record-breaking summer is part of a pattern of 0.5 increasing global temperatures caused by human
Öviriles, especially carbon dioxide emissions. am ill
Overall, annual global temperatures have risen about 0.0 1°C on average since 1880.

Our planet is already feeling the effects of record-o.5 breaking temperatures and a changing climate. 2023

brought sweltering heat waves, record high Atlantic 2000 sea surface temperatures, and fires in Canada sending smoke thousands of miles away.

Since day one, the Biden-Harris Administration has
o. treated the climate crisis as the existential threat of our time. The President's Inflation Reduction Act - the largest climate investment in history - is o.5 strengthening climate resilience in communities nationwide and positioning the U.S. to achieve President Biden's goal of cutting climate pollution in half by 2030

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