VG 16 - East Coast VG (rollerblading)

1 year ago

Videogroove video magazine number 16. Released in 2000. Directed by Chris Majette and Dave Paine.

This has been a promise fulfilled since that cold January day I left Philadelphia for California in 1994. This is a start to an annual VG series that strictly covers the East Coast kids (Texas and everything east of it) - that's the area that lies just beyond the reach of most trendy Cali media. Volume One is co-directed by Chris Majette (local Phila resident) and backed up by the absolute best VG camera staff ever assembled for one issue. All the crews got together for this one, we traveled and hunted down sessions. VG could only start with a few cities and P files: Mike Johnson and Dustin Halleran P file both from NYC; Alex Broskow mini view; and city/state visits with New York, Phila, Atlanta, Texas (Austin and Dallas), Florida, and others as well. There are two competition sections: the annual ho down at Eisenberg's and the Warm Up session at the 2000 Gravity Games that you didn't see on TV. Hot music as usual and plenty of faces you'll be rewinding. Stay tuned for round two next summer as we hit everyone we missed this time. Respect to all who stayed down for VG. Eternally yours in rolling - DAP

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