Aila: CCP officials have repeatedly stated publicly that Chinese people can survive by eating grass

1 year ago

08/14/2023 Aila on Wayne Dupree Podcast: The CCP does not care whether the economy is experiencing deflation or inflation. They only care about their political power. Miles Guo said in his broadcasts that the CCP officials stated publicly multiple times that they believe the Chinese people can eat grass to survive. This is how they treat their own citizens.
08/14/2023 小飞象做客Wayne Dupree Podcast:中共不关心经济是通缩还是通胀,他们只关心自己的政治权力。郭文贵先生在直播中说过,中共官员多次公开表示,中国人可以靠吃草来维生。这就是中共对待自己公民的方式。

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