Aila: CCP's Real Estate Market and Banking System Will Eventually Collapse

1 year ago

08/14/2023 Aila on Wayne Dupree Podcast: Many U.S. pension funds are used as guarantees or investments in Chinese real estate businesses. And the entire CCP real estate model is built on a suicidal structure, based on financial larceny and financial corruption. The U.S. economy will be equally affected by the economic collapse that accompanies Communist China.
08/14/2023 小飞象做客Wayne Dupree Podcast:美国的养老金基金很多被用作对中国房地产企业的担保或投资。而整个中共的房地产模式是建立在自杀性的结构上,是建立在金融盗窃和金融腐败的基础上的。伴随中共国的经济崩溃,美国经济同样会受波及。

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