'Eyewitness Films Fake Space X Rocket Launch While Watching a Live Feed Lie About It' - 2016

1 year ago

Published on Aug 19, 2016

"There is no HD video of a rocket going all the way to space or coming back from space from ground based observers. This alone tells the tale of fake rocket launches which have gone on since the 1960s. People are waking up and going out to challenge the lies and in this case lies we all paid for. Rockets do no go to space; they land in the ocean or well out of view of the public that is fed lies about launches by the media.

https://www.Crrow777Radio.com. Hope to see you there. All other Crow websites are FRAUD and there are now at least 10 of them!

The Orlando/Dallas/Baton Rouge shootings are a staged game =

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