What NASA Discovered on Mars Leaves Scientists Stunned

1 year ago

Editor's Note: A previous version of this video
mislabeled the orbit of Saturn as the orbit of Jupiter.
This new NASA animation highlights the "super" in
supermassive black holes. These monsters lurk in the
centers of most big galaxies, including our own Milky
Way, and contain between 100,000 and tens of billions
of times more mass than our Sun.
Any light crossing the event horizon - the black hole's
point of no return - becomes trapped forever, and any
light passing close to it is redirected by the black
hole's intense gravity. Together, these effects produce
a "shadow" about twice the size of the black hole's
actual event horizon.
The animation shows 10 supersized black holes that
occupy center stage in their host galaxies, including
the Milky Way and M87, scaled by the sizes of their
shadows. Starting near the Sun, the camera steadily
pulls back to compare ever-larger black holes to
different structures in our solar system.

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