Touhou: New World - Marisa's Story Part 10

1 year ago

Game: Touhou: New World
System: PC

Note: Oh boy, the boss rush. Yuyuko was brutal, and Kogasa......well when she said she'd show me what true fear is, my first thought was how she already showed me that in my previous fight, and how she could possibly go beyond that. Then proceeds 20+ minutes of her running me through the wringer. Basically every time she swung a wave of black umbrellas, or use her spell with the spiral, I'm just a goner unless I have a spell ready myself. I don't even know if it's possibly for a human to dodge said spell on Bullet Hell Plus. Ended up having to back out, so I could level grind offscreen, and try again later, so......yeah. Should have just cut this part off after completing the first boss rush. XP


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