Prayer for the People of the USA

1 year ago

This is an appeal to prayer in the manner that was exhibited by the ancient kings of Judah (specifically kings Jehoshaphat and Hezekiah). In addition we can review the humility and attention to prayer and fasting by the founders of this nation and the leadership of this nation up to the time of the civil war. What we see underway now in the year 2023 is completely unprecedented within this nation. People are following after their own desires, they are not kind to one another and there is an increasing lawlessness that is washing across the nation. The national leadership is encouraging lawfare against their political opposition because they want to control the citizens through force, rather than allow free and fair and trustworthy elections. The intoxication of power has so corrupted their character and moral compass that they will do anything to retain and expand their power and control. It is all demonic and it portends all that is written in God's word. Paul's epistles clarify many things underway and we can be sure that God's will shall be done on earth as it is in Heaven. There is judgement approaching and we must use this time to good purpose. We must share the truth of Christ Jesus with all that we can. And in addition, we can pray for God's mercy. For some additional time that we can use to communicate the truth of our broken sinful nature, our inability to remedy this condition by doing "good works" and the only means of rescue through the blood of Jesus that was shed on our behalf on a cross at Calvary. The resurrection proves that Christ's power over death is complete and that he sits at the right hand of our Father in Heaven - positioned to pass judgement upon all who reject His free gift of life. For those that have an alternative path to salvation, understand that God Himself said that now one comes to the Father except through his Son Jesus Christ. We can pray for America - for some additional time, but ultimately God's will be done as we eagerly await his soon return. Maranatha! The blessed hope is our strong desire.

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