Parenting IS FARMING - RFK Jr - FARMERS SPEAK on the Destruction of Farmimg and Taking it BACK

1 year ago

Catherine Watters of The Family Industrial Complex podcast on showing the parallels btwn Abusive, Polluting "parenting" I've been Criminalized and censored for speaking about since age 6 in 1970! CLEARLY I'm speaking to people who can't do anything about it anyway because they DON'T EXIST. There's NO abundance, there's NO Bank Account of healthy people to lean on because everyone has been TOO busy chasing Man Made DEBT Money at the EXPENSE of the VERY thing that should be Backing the $ to give it Value! People actually Believed for decades that $$ ITSELF HAS VALUE,, it DOESN'T. It's what BACKS IT That gives it the "Worth". IN the US that's been WAR, Death, Environmental degradation, the break down of the Family, Child Abuse, Child Sex Trafficking, and on and On!
Wouldn't it be better to END all these problems and Forego the Debt $$?
I'm sure a LOT of people don't think so or are incapable of it. So we will Continue to have these Problems.
Or I wouldn't have to be saying it for 5 decades! People don't HELP each other.
An ABUNDANT System functions with those in "Authority" having a HANDLE on things, being PROFICIENT at dealing with problems and being AHEAD of the game.
A DEBT, CORRUPT system functions with people being BEHIND, Drowning, Unskilled on PURPOSE by the "Officials" who ABUSE THEM.

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