How To Wire A Mini Split Air Conditioner Set Up

1 year ago

We're wiring up the Pioneer Inverter Ultra High Efficiency Heat Pump 3 head mini split.

00:00 Intro
00:12 Pioneer Mini split
00:30 Made in China designed in Japan
00:45 Efficiency rating
01:00 Not real heating efficient
01:15 This is 21-23, most units are 16-18
01:35 Checking to see if they have the fittings needed
02:10 They'll have to move the disconnect because of where the customer wants the unit
03:10 Where the power will be going in
03:35 If you look inside here
03:45 Comes with flare fittings on it
05:40 Quick rundown of what you need
06:45 He has to go get a flaring tool, checking for anything else he needs to buy
07:45 Had to order 2 50' lines
08:00 The instructions are in geek speak
08:20 Freon needed per 25' past the what's already in there
08:45 As simply as he can make it for the extra freon needed
09:00 Reason why new fancy $300 automatic flare tool

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