Sino-Ocean Group is the CCP’s first state-owned real estate company to default on its debt recently

1 year ago

8/14/2023 According to Hong Kong's TVB News, Sino-Ocean Group has defaulted on its debt. Sino-Ocean Group is the CCP’s first state-owned real estate company to halt trading due to a bond default. With total assets amounting to hundreds of billions of yuan, Sino-Ocean Group has defaulted and suspended trading on a secured bond due to its inability to pay the interest on it.
#CCP #realestate #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
8/14/2023 据香港无线新闻台报道,远洋集团陷入债务违约。远洋集团是近期首家因票据违约而停牌的中共国企地产商。总资产上千亿元的远洋集团,因未能支付有担保票据的利息而违约并停止票据交易。
#中共 #房地产 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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