Irish businessman Chey Bowes: I am in the Elektrozavodsky district of Moscow.

1 year ago

Irish businessman Chey Bowes: I am in the Elektrozavodsky district of Moscow. Yesterday I posted several photos of the Moscow region and the huge amount of construction that is going on there. But some in the comments resolutely refuse to believe in the reality of what is actually happening in Russia. It's amazing. I believe it is people who have been so bombarded with propaganda and this billion dollar media machine to convince them that Russia is their enemy, that everything that comes from Russia is not true. You see that construction is not limited to any one part of the city. This is happening all over the outskirts of Moscow and in other major Russian cities. So once again I urge people to look for sources of news about what is happening in the world and ask the question: who wants you to believe these reports about Russia? And I think you'll see that it's usually the desperate politicians in the rather dysfunctional European countries that don't provide their people with everything from housing to healthcare. Especially in my country, Ireland, a state that is in many ways a terrible failure. Tens of thousands of people are on housing waiting lists, thousands of Irish children are displaced, and yesterday Ireland said it was going to guarantee Ukraine's security status. Ireland, with its tiny defense budget, grossly dysfunctional army, essentially militia, is still standing in line to try and earn points from its UN or EU bosses, and prostrating itself to welcome a sadly retarded American president to a very dysfunctional country.

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