The Luciferian Disease Of The Mind

1 year ago

How many times have we heard stories or narratives that we know fundamentally are untrue? How many times have we caught glimpses of what we know to be a con? What compels someone to go forth along with the deception? How is it that we manage to see individuals continue to promulgate occult like deceptions? Truly Luciferian type spirited energy stems from a fundamental belief, that is of the mind, which tricks us into believing that we could get away with conning and deceiving. The con, deceptions, lies, manipulations and or any and all attempts to distort reality revolve around a flat out lie that can be considered to be an offering to the devil. It is a creation, stemming from the archetypical spirit that comes from the devil. The incestuous nature of the lie develops the more we attempt to convince ourselves that it isn’t real. When an individual is possessed by the filling of this spirit, it takes the light of Christ to reach the individual. In His own way, He can make a difference in the potential outcome of individual lives. If that is His will. Our part remains the same. To desire how we as a collective group of individuals, can, bring about a potential creative manifestation of a sacrificial offering that may be deemed worthy of acceptance by Yawa is the spirit by which we should strive to be immersed in. Every single outcome is being governed by Gods Hierarchical Ordering Principles. This is one of the reasons why situations, when in time of proper season, are always a little bit dicey. There needs to be that element of uncertainty mixed with absolute certainty of the excellency ways in which God manifest Himself. Tipping the scales of balance in favor of Gods outcomes is what is available to us. It’s arrogance however, that prevents us from being filled with a low view of importance centered around our own unique individual sense of “self”. When the magnification of the proverbial “me” is greater than the overarching archetypical Supreme Being, we endanger ourselves. This arrogance prevents us from being free from sharing tenderness to those deserving of it. By the same light, this arrogance also prevents us from being unembellished and bare. Which is a sophisticated indicator of a highly developed sense of character. There aren’t many individuals capable of being exposed as they were, in spirit, while in paradisiacal glory. Most individuals fear being that vulnerable. The shame would be to much and make most feel self conscious about their being. Why wouldn’t it? Adam & Eve experienced it. Though, if we were to return somehow to the days in which we dwelled alongside the Supreme Being, wouldn’t that curtail losing some sense of “self-consciousness”? In other words, losing shame and fear? Perhaps that’s a topic of discussion for another date and time. In the meantime however, it is this arrogance that prevents us from being filled with thanks. Even if it’s for recognizing the fact that He exist. Even if it’s for potentially being able to come up with reasons as to why recognizing the fact that He is could potentially be a good thing for all of us. It’s this same arrogance that prevents us from restraining ourselves when we are being tempted. While at the same time, it’s this same type of arrogance, that prevents us from exercising some self restraint when necessary. Arrogance makes us snap. When we are consumed by it any and all little things, be them big or small, restrain us from being a sentient sensing being. With an arrogant filled spirit we become devoid of conscientiousness. In other words, we become less virtuous. Less likely to be in a position to receive revelatory inspirations for the potential manifestations of a worthy sacrificial offering brought forth to the Almighty. Arrogance becomes an inhibitor to psychologically, spiritually, emotionally, physiologically and cerebrally not be able to receive such potentialities. All because we failed to take the time to figure out what we were being taught to worship. Those two altars. The altar of Baal and the Altar Of The Father. Where are we placing our work? Only God knows in what ways and shapes it’s appropriate for events to be twisted. That is a part of the grand mystery of it all. We were not meant to know all things. We have always been meant to serve as a mechanism by which the Eternal Glory of God The Father can manifest through. Through choice, conscious individual choice given to us in the form of free will, we can hope to stand a chance at only ever minutely experiencing what it may be like to be like God. This idea though, that we could distort and distort and distort and distort according to our own free will is a damning thing. It’s damning because in our distorting, we are failing to take into account the Wisdom that belongs to God The Father. In effect, we will always fail to consider another potential possibility. In effect, we will fail to consider, in pre-mediation, the possibility of the infinity. Running in circles, chasing our own shadows. Literalizing everything, when what is required, to begin with is a methaphoric, allegoric, symbolic, hyperbolic, arithmetic, mytho logic, psycho logic, para bolic, aesthetic appreciation for how we view things. Just think of it, to think that we can actually tamper with the structure by which and in which reality operates. As if we knew all the rules to the structure of reality. Even the ones that God hasn’t shared with us yet, it’s the very essence of Luciferian Satanic practice. Literal perversion of what have come to be known as Hierarchical Ordering Principles. Satanist believe they are the arbiters and sole proprietors of structuring reality. They place themselves above the Almighty. They seek and aim to exalt themselves through their inadequacies. They think that operating the way that they do has no consequences. That reality and Gods Divine Ordering Principles won’t shock wave themselves back kinetically to the way He has structured them to be appropriate for entire cosmos. Is it any real wonder as to why it always seems like there are some individuals or group of folks that seem to be always a few thousand feet ahead of the curve? Is it difficult to believe that maybe, just maybe, these individuals have touched upon some ordering principles that have caused them to understand the nature of ordered structure? If there was a way to understand such structural ordering principles, would it be worth striving to understand? Would it be worth learning and giving up some time to begin to comprehend? Maybe, just maybe it is. Surely some will be appealed while others will have no interest. But the fact remains the same, we need to know which master we are going to serve. Idly standing by is simply not going to cut it. It is much worse for us to know that there is an animating contest that is happening as we speak between two primordial cosmic forces and choose to remain neutral. Not wanting to get involved at the peak of a prime season is a much worse outcome to be finding ourselves in. Perhaps some good news is that, we know what we must do, strive to be in a position where we can potentially receive an intuition, a revelation, a feeling, a sentiment or a stream of conscious thought that would allow us to potentially create an offering for Yawa to accept. That one dynamic, in it of itself is an incredible dynamic to be finding ourselves in. This takes practice. It takes time. It does take discipline and it is a learning process but the learning curve for all the other learning curves to follow, will be shortened as a result of this path we follow. If we choose to follow it. It is worth it giving up a little bit of the things we love, if we need to, if it is what God would require us to do, to obtain a structural understanding of how the universe is ordered based on instructions given to us by God. Where do we begin then? If it is what we want to do? With understanding that reality was not built on lies, cons, deceptions, distortions, manipulations and attempts to alter the intrinsic qualities of what makes a structure, structure. Edifices dedicated to marshal schools of thought will have created the bodies that construed the future. Basic intrinsic fundamental needs have been studied to exploit our biological propensities. Riding ourselves of parasites by establishing mutually exclusive relationships with God is imperative to our own existence. Knowing that there is a God, whose voice speaks to us in an intrinsic manner, will enable us to be doing what we need to do in order to be able to receive visions to bring to His altar. Understanding that there are misled voices, confused voices, malign voices, evil voices etc. that advocate for the devil is something we must know. These are just some ways we can tend to our garden while on this planet and in this existence. Helping be shepherds keeps us in good grace with God. Perhaps that will save us if God decides to burn the whole thing down because of our own inability to recognize what we are doing to ourselves. Full link to the lecture is down below.

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