Steppenwolf, Bild Lilli, eternal, hellfire, personal responsibility, biblical truths

1 year ago

 Hermann Hesse‘s book Steppewolf takes us on a journey of personal discovery, which ends in tragedy. Lisa Schermerhorn, recent book behind every believe there is a lie takes us on a journey of personal discovery, which as in victory. Lisa got it right
The movie, Barbie, as described by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn is a perverse satanic ritual of baby killing in a sinful life center to round the demon Ishtar. This may not be obvious to some, but if you read Rabbi Cahn‘s book return of the gods you understand exactly what I’m talking about.
Profits like John Leary tell us about the desecration of holy communion on the heresies concerning eternal punishment. These errant teaching should have a swing from churches, because our loyalty is the Jesus not a denomination.
We are responsible for ourselves, and what we do. We will all be judged individually based on how we used our gifts and how we love God and others. We all need to wake up and fight against evil.

Bishop Jim O'Connor
Graduated from West Point in 1976 and served as an infantry officer and a paratrooper for 20 Years. I worked as a consultant and a test engineer for 24 years and retired. I’m a bishop in the underground orthodox church, which is modeled after the original Christian church before 300 A.D.. We are both men and women in Bishops and priests. I also performed 14 successful exorcisms. I decided to speak up against the evil that I see to help people get off the fence and see their way to do it was right.

I’m a prostate cancer survivor. I’m in remission. I was treated for stage 2 cancer with the cyber-knife at Georgetown University Hospital. After the treatment I became quite weak and could not workout for 6 months. Then I began lifting 240 lbs for my bench press with my Welder 1500X (identical to Bo-Flex). For the next year and a half lifting 3 times a week I plateaued at one set with 270 lbs. I started taking the root brands trinity pack and give me back my youth in mid February 2023. Since then I have grown substantially stronger and now do three sets of 10-12 reps of the bench press with 320 libs.
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