1 year ago

The full 5 hour video of (ex?) freemason Altiyan Childs, Australian Rockstar and former winner of the "X-factor".
So much information in this one regarding freemasons, their secret oaths, hidden symbols, the secret luciferian plan of the NWO and the entertainment industry.
Share far and's time to expose these people for who they really are, and what they really represent!!!

MORE LIKE THIS On The Conarium Channel:
Thank you Empathetically for all the work you do.

Did you Know???
Much of the Truth that Esu "Jesus" taught ran counter to the teachings of the Pharisees of that day and seriously threatened their survival as religious leaders of the people. To prevent the people from becoming enlightened to Truth, the Pharisees fabricated stories of half-truths and untruths which were believed by many people, even down to the present day.
Some of these ideas are: 1) Esu was/is the Son of God, 2) that Esu can forgive your sins, 3) that God sent Esu to die as a ransom for our evil deeds, and 4) that Esu would return to carry off all those who believed this and were "saved from their sins through Esu’s shed blood" to a glorious heavenly hereafter forever. All of these ideas are a HOAX. These LIES, first spread by Esu’s enemies, have been continued by religious leaders for over 2000 years. Thus, Earth Shan’s "mother of TEARS", people have been kept from enlightenment, the religious cults have become wealthy, and the darkside has maintained great power and control over the people.

The days of the darkside are numbered. The Light of Truth is now breaking over our great planet, and the people are waking up to their true potential.

The lies spread by Satan and his Dark Brotherhood were designed to trick the people into thinking that they were not held responsible for their evil actions, that someone else would "pay" for their misdeeds. Such thinking is nonsense because it runs counter to Cosmic Law.
Cosmic Law is designed by Creator God Aton of Light for all of His creation to maintain harmony and balance. No part of creation is exempt from such law. Cosmic Law is unchanging and irrefutable. No one can change it. It is absolute! No matter how you may want to interpret it or apply it, there is only one interpretation, one application—that of the author, Creator God Aton of Light.

"These Journals are the words of Truth which God promised he would send forth at the endtimes to give man one last chance to choose Truth over the Lie.
"The PHOENIX JOURNALS are directed and given forth from the higher brotherhood sent forth as the Hosts for the preparation of this time of cycles when this civilization will make transition into higher understanding or return to the ages of darkness." ---Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn

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