SSG_G @TheParasiteGuy Perfectly stated. 🔥🔥🔥

1 year ago

Perfectly stated. 🔥🔥🔥

Joe Rambo
After much prayer and meditation, I feel I am finally prepared spiritually to respond to the BS accusations and division that has taken place within our movement the last week.

Through those avenues, I have come to the conclusion that the problem doesn't matter as much as the… Show more
Joe Rambo
After much prayer and meditation, I feel I am finally prepared spiritually to respond to the BS accusations and division that has taken place within our movement the last week.

Through those avenues, I have come to the conclusion that the problem doesn't matter as much as the solution.

In meditation, the question popped into my head. Why do we do this? And how do we win?

The answer is clear. 'We the people were always the plan' 'together we win'

It is so easy for disrupters and bad actors to infiltrate, deceive, and divide for many reasons.

1) we are FREE thinkers and question everything. Including each other. I believe this to be a defense mechanism. We are fully aware that we have been lied to for so long on so many issues.

2) we are 100% in a state of war. An information war. 5GW as Flynn and Boone have coined it. Therefore, many of the attacks will be just that. Cunning data manipulation, lies, and propoganda.

I will speak for only myself right now. However, I believe you can apply what I'm about to say to all anons that have risked so much to be a part of this movement out of love.

We all have a reason or a story as to how we became part of. But mine is simple. I saw hope in the anons and the movement that came before me. I saw hope when I was caught in a life of despair.

I stay, and I fight bc through relationship building, information sharing, and discernment through God. I have come to the conclusion that our world is in a fight for its life. It is truly a battle between good and evil.

Anyone who has the balls to try and fracture what seems to be the WHOLE anon community in this final hour. As we without question enter the 'final battle' as Trump told us.

Can only be a bad actor.

People were included that have never said a bad word about anyone.

Look at people's feeds and decide for yourself. Who is supporting the community around them. And who seems to only be out for themselves. It takes very little effort to see.

Here is the really cool part. We as a community are smart, resilient, and determined. The system has tried to divide us and concor us our whole lives. And yet here we stand. WINNING.

And so, though, we don't always agree on the details. We all agree on one thing. Good must prevail over evil. And we will never quit or be defeated.

The enemy is acting out over FEAR. This is the final act in this chapter frens. On that point, it is without question.

Problems have a tendency of working themselves out. I believe this is one of those instances.

So stand strong and stand together. Be ready to help those that will join us today and those that will join us tomorrow.

That is why we are here. Not to fight umungst ourselves.

Love. God. Family. Country. Freedom.

I'm ready.
12:07 PM · Aug 15, 2023

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