Let the Counter Revolution Begin

1 year ago

The radical Leftist (Neo-Marxist) revolution that we are witnessing today is not just some fad that spontaneously emerged during the Summer of 2020 as people were posting their black squares on Instagram. In fact, it's part of a very conscious plan that developed over the course of the last 60 years. It has thousands of activists scattered across the United States, who have been embedded in our institutions for decade after decade after decade. They built this movement up to its culmination point in 2020 when they decided to let fly their Hail Mary pass on the back of the COVID Plandemic.
In the 1960s, the Leftist radicals of the West took that idea of cultural revolution from China, and they appropriated it and retrofitted it to fit the conditions and the politics of the West. They believe that you first have to go after a culture of a country, like the United States, and then, only then, can you change the politics of the country.
By no means was it by chance, by accident, or by spontaneous design. This was implemented and was well thought through by the Left. Unfortunately, even though it may have receded in the public consciousness, as we’ve moved further away from that Summer of George Floyd, it’s still deeply embedded administratively and bureaucratically in almost every major institution in the United States.
They knew that they would not be able to overthrow the government and install a classless society that was governed horizontally by the people, because the people, the working class and middle class in the United States, were not revolutionary. They were anti-revolutionary. They could not be trusted with that. Therefore, they developed a totally new theory. That theory, if you boil it down to its basics, has two parts. Their strategy was, by the mid 1970s, no longer an armed revolution, but a cultural revolution.
Their strategy was the long march through the institutions that the Marxist Antonio Gramsci proposed, meaning that they wanted to take influence over existing institutions by burrowing into them, and then bringing the ideology in from the outside. Then their theory of revolution no longer necessitated seizing the means of industrial production, but instead it required seizing the means of cultural production. This is the shift from a total revolution, like in the Soviet Union, to a more limited, but also very insidious cultural revolution, by taking over the means of cultural production and transmission.
We have to go in and recapture the institutions that mold the culture of our society. Conservatives need to summon the spirit of governance and statesmanship again. We need to actually have the strength and the confidence and courage to govern. We have been lulled to sleep by libertarian fantasies, that somehow the correct moral choice is to not govern, but to seek the end of governance, to opt out of institutions, to condemn the government as something that must be diminished in size and that does not merit our active participation.
We need people who are going to run companies, run the functions of government, and run universities and churches. Conservatives cannot merely retreat to private business, private life, and think that we’re going to have a country that reflects their values. Conservatives have to get out of the corner and demonstrate, just like the Left does. If we really want to have AI or tech companies that are advancing or at least consonant with our values, we have to start venture capital firms and build or buy these kind of platforms. We have to speak out more loudly. We have to found new companies. We have to pass laws within our legislatures.
At the end of the day, the Right is the greatest problem for the Right. Conservatives who want to see a certain kind of future must be willing to actually take the risks and have the courage to build that future. We must mount a counter revolution against against the Neo-Marxist revolution that we've been witnessing for more than 60 years now.
I say, let the counter revolution begin.
Freedom Movement Manifesto

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