1 year ago

Joe Biden is ready to use "Climate Crisis" as an excuse.

Science has told us in clear and unadulterated language that the entire 'climate crisis' is a cooked-up and made-up situation. Its 'voodoo science' at it's worst. The 'Enviro-nuts' are out in force demanding radical and economy crushing changes in the way we live, eat, and even sleep. But here's the rub: The global warming we are experiencing is cyclical, meaning that it comes and goes.

Recently Joe Biden whined about record-setting temperatures and durations in Texas while records show that the summer of 1980 saw a much longer and hotter period. What's up here? As I remember, this 1980 record-setter came on the heels of the 'Global Cooling' scam. Yep, back then the media warned us of a '2nd ice age'.

So exactly what's up here? Is there really a global catastrophe sitting on the edge of our lives? Is this going to put an end to civilization unless we eliminate all fossil fuel usage, cork cow's butts, and stop breathing so hard? Just where does the lunacy end?

Lunacy yes, useful yes. The fact is that the Covid scare was just a rehearsal, a warm-up if you will, to exert a complete 'Hitlerian' squeeze on the people. Washington [Biden for sure] has only one goal and that is to fulfill their dream of complete and absolute power and authority over the people of the world, beginning with the United States.

When the recent Covid Hysteria came up it was the catalyst for release of dictatorial powers across the globe, the U.S. notwithstanding. Churches were shuttered, people were denied their right to worship or even speak their peace. People were tackled to the ground, beaten, and handcuffed for taking a walk outside their block or neighbourhood. The government-controlled media went into high gear to scare the sh!t out of everyone. Governments in the western world came within mere inches of total domination and control.

But, all good things must come to an end, or so it is said. When the masking, distancing, vaccinating lies began to rise to the attention of the largely ignorant people, the government had no alternative but to back off. As the public began to complain and defy the Hitlerian edicts of various states and the federal government, the powers that be found it necessary to set up something even scarier than a virus, something they could blame on the people at large and thus use to punish the people at large.

Enter "Global Warming Catastrophe"; a new tool for another crack at a longer-lasting dominance over the hearts, minds, and bodies of the people. For the past 20 years the powers-that-be have been warming up in the bullpen with the Climate scare of the ages. Through their government-controlled media they've slowly conditioned us to believe that there is a very real problem that threatens everyone on the planet. Further, we've been conditioned to believe that it's our fault ... everybody's fault.

Even though reputable science has shown us that the current warming trend is due to solar activity, the media downplays or completely ignores the truth in favour of propaganda. I spoke with Dr. Wilhelm Stuttstein, Ph.D. an astrophysicist with the Heidelberg-Königstuhl State Observatory.

He says, "Solar cycles are largely predictable, but there are the occasional surprises. We have noted that the current cycle of flares, prominences, and sunspot activity coincide directly to the rise in temperatures we are currently experiencing here on our own blue marble. It's not only Earth, but Mars as well experiencing similar temperature anomalies and they trend along the same curve as recorded on Earth. This means that we cannot claim credit for this warming trend, but must confront the fact that it is not our fault. Our sun is already beginning to settle down and the prominences responsible are subsiding. It is becoming as you say, 'situation normal'."

Damn! Did ya hear that? Tell a friend, an acquaintance, an enemy. Shout it from the hilltops that we are being duped and get the word out so that too many people are aware of the farcical nature of the current 'Global Warming' scare. If you don't, the plans of those in charge of us will come to fruition and you can kiss your freedom-loving @sses goodbye.

I'm Max, and that's the way I see it!

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