Dr. Mike Yeadon: Why Digital ID & CBDCs Must Be Rejected At All Costs

1 year ago

Former vice president at Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon, explains why digital ID and CBDCs must be rejected at all costs:

"They plan to take digital tyrannical control of everybody, and then kill most people... If I'm wrong and you follow me, you'll get laughed at. If you believe the government narrative and I'm right, you'll lose your freedom and probably your life."

Full event: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/events/truth-be-told-rally-or-london-or-may-13th-or-1pm-bst-or-8am-est-or-trafalgar/truth-be-told-rally-or-london-or-may-13th-or-1pm-bst-or-8am-est-or-trafalgar-livestream/

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