Dershowitz: Our Young People Are Being Told; ‘Due Process Doesn’t Matter,’ ‘Just Get Trump’

1 year ago

LEVIN: Did you ever imagine that a former president who is running for president of United States would be faced with this.

DERSHOWITZ: Absolutely not. I lived through mccarthyism that was very bad. This is worse. Because this affects the future. You want our young people are told due process doesn’t matter, free speech does not matter, just get Trump, you talk about being denied various rights he is denied right to council there is a group of leftist lawyers, called 65 project, committed to going after any lawyer who represents Donald Trump, having them disciplined and disbarred, I wrote an article condemning them as McCarthyites. What do you think they did? They came after me and filed a bar charge. Now it's costing me tens-of-thousands of dollars to defend myself against having done nothing wrong. Lawyers told me they can’t represent Trump because they are afraid that 65 project, the government, others will go after them. This is banana republic.

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