Shhhh Listen

1 year ago

Shhhhh Be quiet! Listen! We talk to much! We need to learn to listen. Listen up to God, taking the time to listen to God. God is speaking. Are we listening? Shhhhhh we need to quiet our soul and listen to God because He has something to say to us and it will be powerful, exactly what we need to hear. Take time to shhhhhh your mind, soul and spirit, get quiet before God, because He has something amazing to say. God still speaks. Listen Up.

God speaks in so many ways. I like to walk the beach and listen up to God, silencing the world and taking in the beauty of His Creation. He speaks in that still small voice, so I shut out everything and silently submit to Him. What do you have to say today Lord Jesus. I want to hear it.

I also hear God’s Voice from the Word of God. As I sit in His Presence and take a bite of His Word, mulling it over and over in my mind, waiting on God to say something to me through His Word. He always speaks to me through His Word, it is amazing.

God spoke this to my heart a while ago. I always love hearing His Voice, our Bridegroom, Jesus!
“It is My desire for you sit and wait with Me each day, allowing Me to purify your spirit, making you in every respect, a beautiful spirit adorned by My Holy Spirit of life! With great passion I want to say: I love you too, My bride! Come now and we will talk and reason together. The wisdom I impart to you today, My bride, is for you to always look beyond the façade of prettiness in your world and find My beautiful spirit of life! See the reflection of My Image in all things and seek out the beauty of My person and you will discover the true, beautiful spirit of life on earth as it is in heaven. My church, always be found in Me and I will enlighten your heart and nurture your spirit with an incredible security, a stability surpassing all your human understanding, a peace that I freely give you out of My inner heart of grace. How beautiful is the glorious Bride of Christ!” The Bridegroom’s Voice
It is windy, loud and in our face, this is our current cultural chaos. How are we supposed to hear God? We can’t even hear ourselves think! There is so much chaos swirling around us, but God has not stop speaking, He has not stopped navigating us. If we slow down, if we stop trying to fix things, if we yield to God, listen up closely, heart to heart,  we can hear Him, that still small, miraculous voice that is heard in the winds of our time. God still speaks.

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