Mist Survival or The Infected | Which To Play Next? (Mist Gameplay)

1 year ago

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Hey everyone! Sharpie here and I'm having a tough time deciding which hardcore survival game to play next. I've narrowed my choice to MIST SURVIVAL or THE INFECTED. I played about an hour of each and recorded what happened to share with you. We can all decide together which I play first!

This video is all the footage edited down from my time in Mist.
You can watch the Infected footage here: https://rumble.com/v395o49-the-infected-or-mist-survival-which-to-play-next-infected-gameplay.html?mref=18g95n&mc=9xu6u

Comment and let me know which one you like or would prefer to see first!

Thanks for watching and until next time,
Sharp Out!

*[ Endcard Track ]*
Pecan Pie - Night Gatherings
License code: 15ADWSR1VKVV7AIU

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#mistsurvival #survivalgame #earlyaccess

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