Awakening Positive and Great Changes

1 year ago

In your name we come to the place so that we may breathe and know our being. You shelter, clothe, house and feed our bodies from whose essence we are formed. From the Void of nothingness we are gathered into Light by the dust of being and the Light of the Divine. Humanity, you are called by the Teachers of Light to awaken and tune into the abundance your earth offers you, for she gives vitality to every being whose spirit beats with the energy of her soul. Through your awareness, senses, feelings and consciousness, join in the immortal song of creation and the dance of eternity.

You are growing into a being that is more than you have been – you are that which you have not been before. It is the awakening to the Light which you have not shown before. It is the expansion, the ascension and the evolution of creation. Every call that is given is answered. The pathway to ensure the grounding of this energy is to walk the single line of neutral awareness and be in Oneness with the plan of advancement of humanity. The feeling centers are being transmuted so that the lower chakras are not actively creating polarity. You have walked the path of seeking to enlighten the world when all that was called for was your own awakening.

You are now within the fog of obscuration where it is delayed and left for a time to be casually appointed. You are bringing forth the light of the New World and so you are here to see through the veil. I hear the call of the shaman and the healers who will contact you and bring you into alignment. The Wayshowers are walking upon the path and connecting the Family of Light. There is the current of energy which is bringing all into the line of sight of the great Ones. The energy grid is being prepared to signal throughout the matrix - The window of time is here! The Dimensions are opened through the middle way that is concentric with the point of the nucleus, the Cosmic Heart Center.

The awakening of energy concerns all the levels of the chakras. On a personal level the primary, root or first chakra is involved in the survival and the needs to protect the body and the boundaries which it establishes to remain consistent and safe. The new wave of energy is breaking down this level so that there is a flow of Light into the root chakra. The red becomes pink with the addition of White Light. The lower root chakra is now immersed in Divine Love and all are protected by the Higher power of the octave of your Eighth chakra. Let it be and grow with the energy of the Higher Light.

The Higher Light allows the assistance of the angelic beings through philanthropic, spiritual investment, and harmonic social anarchy to spiritualise the focus on humanitarian and ecological benefits. Ancient prophesy and the evolution of the earth is destined to begin when the separation occurs, when judgment comes and the harvesting happens. Old patterns held within the root chakra are released as seeds of cellular renewal implanting of new beliefs upon the fertile soil of the creative earth. Focus your inner awareness of compassionate understanding on the solutions for the outer world to reconfigure to the higher vibrations of peace, love and strength. Radiate cohesive and coherent energy to find those in harmony with your soul. The Law of Attraction will magically allow them to appear within your realm of consciousness, appreciate the wisdom and light of your path and connect another section of the grid.

Intuitive knowing and appropriate action in each moment resonates to the strongest and clearest feelings which manifest as points of Light. Listen and read each word slowly to feel its essence resonate towards attunement with its perfect tone as sound and light are one. Energy moves harmonically between the points of Light dependent on the clarity and strength of the signal. The increase in frequency raises your level of discernment and the grid becomes coded or defined to resonate with the frequency you keep in agreement and contract with higher divine intelligence. All that is follows a universal correspondent intelligent geometric attainment of regenerative multi-dimensional ecology.

Within the Family of Light is a group of beings moving in coordinated responsible and accountable patterns designed to be the representatives of the illuminations of higher intelligence. Wayshowers assist through all modalities and methods, teaching skillfully and healing through appropriate means that are intuited compassionately in alliance within the agreements of compatible energies being contributed by the followers on the path. The guidelines are designated and mapped in emotional and mental correspondence to the level of expansion necessary to only reach the next level. Through each timeline, probability and choice the Wayshower represents the guide to point the way of higher Light and keeps entrained along the line of further purpose through a steady understanding of the current.

The transformation into the Fifth Dimensional grid of Sacred Earth Consciousness is chosen by each individual who moves out of the base point root chakra to the eighth chakra spiritual awareness. The realignment with a point on the Higher Light grid is chosen as expansion and inclusion create additional probabilities for particularization and manifestation of new frequencies. The old paradigm of Fourth Dimensional emotional manipulation, limited Third Dimensional physical survival, Second Dimensional elemental captivating fascination and first Dimensional destructive death into matter is closed to Souls of the Family of Light and the Spirits are awakened into Eighth Chakra universal awareness.

When sacredness is chosen Humanity rises through the awakening of the group chakra it allows for the transition into fifth dimensional multi-dimensional spiritual awareness grid and the acceptance of expanded light body senses. The Aquarian Grid holds consistency and clarity through the power of cooperation between collective desires of humanity and a new paradigm forming around the grid points held by the energy of enlightened humans.

In collective connection Wayshowers form the vanguard of the Family of Light in our promise to awaken Humanity to the ascension into a New Age. With passion and clarity we walk into this timeline fully cognizant of our role to invent, manifest, channel, assume, assign, guide, allow, transmit, acknowledge, surrender, give, receive and become the sacred connections to the Higher Light which evolves our minds, body and spirits into fulfillment.

We accept the new energy and let go of the old boundaries, limitations, fears and root chakra disabilities as we are sovereign, rich, strong, healthy, wise and moving into collective contract in accord with our promise of world service. Wayshowers are attracted to and guide to the ones who are designated to bring talent, power and the resources to complete the plan or global economic prosperity, ecological renewal and spiritual ascension. As you acknowledge your agreement to be a Wayshower you are called to attune to the new grid work that forms the template of the Aquarian Paradigm and the Golden Ring of the White Light.
engaged into consciousness is another realm. We expereince with all senses in a viewpoint of wholeness. The world we see is deeper and wider than understanding allows. The infinity field is the nature of the universe not limitation. The Great Awakening has happened and in this time space context is within history not present time which is the ever present now.

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