One Bullet Penetrated Three Soldiers. D-Day Through the Eyes of a German Machine Gunner. Omaha Beach

1 year ago

June 6, 1944 marked the first day of the Normandy landings by the Allies - the D-Day. The most dramatic events took place on the Omaha beach. The American attack was launched against the enemy's well-prepared defensive lines. The German positions were barely affected by the air and naval bombardment that preceded the landing operation, resulted in severe losses and forever remembered in the military annals of history.
The Omaha beach was six miles in length and was divided into eight sectors: Charlie, Dog Green, Dog White, Dog Red, Easy Green, Easy Red, Fox Green, and Fox Red. The first wave had a Company of soldiers for each sector. The Allied High Command anticipated that Omaha would be the most problematic for the landing. A labyrinth of all kinds of obstacles such as anti-tank barriers, obstacles and mines lay ahead for men and vehicles in the shallows and on the beaches. Over breakwaters approximately 5 feet high, located at the foot of a breaking wave ledge of up to 100 feet high, there were wire fences. The ledge was dotted with mines. There were 85 machine gun positions above it and on it, all ready to greet the infantrymen with killing fire.....

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