1 year ago

here are certain proportions that make a man appear more manly, attractive, and stronger. This has been called the divine proportion, the golden ratio, or adonis ratio and it's a concept that has been observed further back than the time of Leonardo da Vinci with his many drawings depicting the ideal proportions of man. (1) It's based on numbers associated with the Fibonacci sequence and essentially when applied to the male physique it's having shoulders that are 1.6x the circumference of the waist. Contrary to a lot of modern bodybuilding ideals it's not just about looking as bulky or as muscular as possible and a more natural look is preferred over a more unnatural hulk-like look that's only achievable with steroid use. There are certain exercises, eating habits, and routines that you can use to achieve and maintain this perfect male physique.
This is why undoubtedly, the first step is to take a close look at your diet. I mean if your waist is a key measurement for the ideal masculine frame, then you already realize that eating pizza, ice cream, and junk food every day isn't going to get you the body that most people innately find attractive. You want to get and stay lean and the best way to do that is to primarily eat real single-ingredient foods while avoiding processed foods, refined grains, and sugar. So some great examples of natural single-ingredient foods that you should be eating include all green vegetables as well as non-starchy vegetables like cauliflower, carrots, and bell peppers. You can have fruit like berries, apples, watermelon, and avocados. It also includes protein sources like chicken breast, ground turkey, fish, shrimp, eggs, lean ground beef, pork tenderloins, and lean cuts of steak like top round. And you can also have filling carbohydrates like oatmeal, brown rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, beans, black bean pasta, and quinoa. And of course, you can add some oils for your fats to make your food taste better. The top 3 that I recommend include avocado oil, olive oil, and coconut oil. Now if you stick predominantly to these types of real foods, and you make it a priority to get 0.7 grams of protein per pound of body weight daily in combination with lots of vegetables, you'll naturally move towards a slimmer waist that's more in line with the golden ratio. If you just stick to natural foods you'll most likely not even have to track your calories due to the fact that these foods are naturally filling and nutrient dense.

Next, let's move on to the exercises that you should be doing because there are really only a few key exercises that you actually need to develop an attractive masculine-looking body. The first one is going to be pullups or alternatively, you can do lat pull-downs. Either one of these exercises will target your rhomboids, your lats, and your biceps. Developing your back muscles will give you a wider v-taper appearance for your upper body. And both exercises are pretty straightforward. You're just pulling yourself up to the bar with your chest out, and your elbows tracking down and back or you're pulling the bar down to your upper chest with similar form. Next, you'll want a push exercise like bench press or dumbell press, where you lay back, lower the weight to your chest while keeping your elbows at roughly 45-degree angles to your body, and then press back up. This is going to work your chest, shoulders, and triceps again helping you develop that dense upper body look. If you're currently trying to get started and searching for the perfect upper-body workout program stop. Literally, take pullups or lat pulldowns and superset them with bench presses or dumbbell presses. So perform 9 heavy sets doing presses and pulls with a 3-minute break at the end of each set and you'll have an effective upper body workout. There are obviously many other exercises you can do and you can make your workout significantly more complex but It can also really be that simple. Now even though the golden ratio for men mostly focuses on the upper body you're still going to want to work your lower body to look proportional. There's also an ideal waist-to-hip ratio which for men which is under 0.95. So your waist should at least be 5 percent smaller than your hips and squats are one of the best exercises to help you develop your glutes, quads, and hamstrings. If you're not used to performing squats and you'd like to nail down the form quickly start with a bench behind you.

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