#28 Energetic Cellular regeneration through technology: introducing Bioresonace devices with Delia

1 year ago

Introducing Delia, a seasoned healer and practitioner with over thirty five years experience. With a dedicated focus on holistic well-being, her expertise lies in the Alexander Technique which she has been involved in since the age of fourteen. She now runs a training school to pass her knowledge on to others. Delia often combines the Alexander Technique with singing which she describes as an eclectic approach. Recently Delia has been working with Bioresonance devices and has had great success.

Delia introduced me to some of the Bioresonance devices, they reminded me of the futuristic Tricorders featured in Star Trek! Delia explained how these Bioresonance devices help to enhance cellular voltage frequencies and this aids in eliminating parasites and pathogens. As many of you know the increase in cellular voltage is something I have been exploring extensively with my most recent discovery in ‘Energetic Cellular Regeneration’.

I asked Delia about the results she has achieved from using these devices. She believes they have helped with everything from Fungal Nail infections to Parkinson's and Diabetes. Another interesting point she made was that these Bioresonance devices can help destroy psycho toxins helping with the thoughts people may have around body image and weight loss.

Delia also shared results of a case study in Russia involving heart attack patients where a Bioresonance device was placed on the body of a patient having a heart attack while on their way to hospital in an ambulance. The patients that had this Bioresonance device placed on them had an eighty percent increased chance of survival. Wow!

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Book: Energy Secrets: How to Live to Your Full Potential https://amzn.eu/d/34CWmC9

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