How To Stay Fit And Lose Weight During Diwali | Weight Loss Tips | Dt. Krishna | iCure

1 year ago

Happy Diwali to Everyone.
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I may not know which festival you enjoy the most. But I know you find it difficult to manage your weight during holidays, especially during Diwali.
So in this video, I share with you some tips, how you can stay fit and lose weight during festival season.

If you want to give me an early Diwali Gift, then do not forget to subscribe to my channel

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All the Videos are to help and benefit the viewers to improve their health and fitness.
Not all the exercises, tips and advice can be suitable for everyone. Individual health conditions also play a major role.
Please consult an expert before doing any health experimentation.
Never do self-medication, Always consult a doctor for all the medical conditions.

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