RBH 12 Politics - Tech / GOV Sensor STOP, Obamas Dead Chef, Biden Crimes

1 year ago

RBH 12 Politics - Tech / GOV Sensor STOP, Obamas Dead Chef, Biden Crimes

Reading Between the Headlines

Oh, Joe Biden, the king of inconsistent claims and broken promises! It seems like every time he opens his mouth, the web of deception he weaves rapidly unravels. During his campaign against Trump, Biden was adamant about having no involvement whatsoever in his son Hunter's business affairs. But oh, how the tides have turned! Enter Devon Archer, the long-time buddy and business partner of Hunter, who spilled the beans before Congress, giving us a juicy inside scoop.

If that wasn't enough to make us question the honesty of our dear leader, now we have the White House committee on oversight and accountability stepping into the spotlight. Chairman James Comer has released some intriguing bank records, randomly, of course (because transparency is overrated). These records show millions of dollars flowing into the Biden family's bank accounts through multiple shell companies, some conveniently being paid by CCP assets. Oh, how convenient! It's like the stars aligned to shower the Bidens with mysterious cash.

These revelations are deeply concerning. The American people deserve answers, not just vague denials and distractions. But let's not hold our breath waiting for that to happen. We're better off watching the mainstream media dance around the truth, putting on a show of acrobatic verbal gymnastics to defend their beloved President.

Biden's claim of not being involved in Hunter's business deals is crumbling faster than a house of cards in a hurricane. With Archer's testimony and those suspicious bank records, the truth is clear as day, even if the mainstream media chooses to look the other way. But hey, who needs transparency and accountability when you have a President with a winning smile and a pocket full of excuses? Keep up the good work, Joe! Your legacy of double-talk and evasive maneuvers will surely go down in history! *Insert eye roll here.*

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