Lahaina fire, planned obsolescence, and the revolution

1 year ago

Today we cover information from the lahaina fires, planned obsolescence, the other side of the story, the light bulb conspiracy documentary, and the revolution


1:00 thank you to everything for sharing information
4:30 seeing different ways of the narrative
6:40 Lithium battery smart meters
7:00 Haze in the sky?
7:50 Hurricane feelings
10:30 Rewriting the history
15:30 Weather Mod Act 1976
16:23 *The light bulb conspiracy
21:00 Abundance and prior to the takeover
24:20 *Analyze everything
26:00 World Fair Resets
29:40 *Operation mockingbird and Conspiracy Theorist
31:00 Whole Foods check out process?
33:00 Google history versus the elders
37:30 Speak, share, and Act
39:00 The masks
42:00 Orchestrated events
45:00 Abundance of Resources

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