Rewards Of Allah Almighty (Courtesy Of God) The Most Gracious Allah

1 year ago

You can probably find a million ways you’ve been cheated and no one is denying that these things didn’t happen. But what can you do today that’s going to change the past? It does you no justice to feel bad or pity yourself. How about instead we learn from the past and thank Allah for the lesson that can be learned from these experiences. It truly is a blessings of Allah, we just need to see it as such.

If you instead switch the question around and ask all the ways He has blessed you, you’ll have a million different reasons to praise Him. Learn to thank Allah from the smallest of things like the lace on your shoe to bigger things like your health, wealth, and family.

Allah is not limited, he is the most gracious and most merciful. You can ask for all your heart desires (as long as it’s permissible). What we need to mindful of is to desiring something and invoking Allah but then having a fixed expectation of the outcome.

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