stop murdering us , SOS from Canada, government sanctioned murder by 2024

1 year ago

now this whole made thing this whole SOS series I I've I've been we've been talking about here on the channel is referenced from a video I made five years ago one in ten Canadians to be euthanized by 2025.

it was kind of a projection I made back then kind of I don't know really not really any good models to go off of but just the way the Tyranny was building up the people getting into more economic debt people taking on more they can afford people being backed into Corners financially right and then in 2019 2020 they went ahead in 2020 and pulled the trigger on the pandemic to have to calm things down because the whole world was protesting in 2019 2019 was the year of the protest and governments were losing grip so referencing a video I made five years ago one out of ten people will be euthanized in Canada by 2025 and we were warning people this across the Commonwealth connecting the dots across the Commonwealth that this is coming to New Zealand this is coming to uh Australia this is coming to the United Kingdom this is coming everywhere this is coming it's coming and it's it's going to be something that governments are going to be pushing and we were predicting back in 2020 that 2024 was going to be the year of government-sanctioned murder now I've received quite a few messages from you guys and they're very heartbreaking and I kind of want to go over some of them on reference to the SOS Canada series that we did the whole SOS uh out of Canada uh governments are purposely murdering us now I have a message here from M I'm not going to use the full name that was in St Marie Hospital

where M was visited 50 times plus to force her mother to end her life and all she had was gout and her mom is 69. so this whole made movement this whole made uh employees that are going around and made service Vans and made uh branches and Hospitals now that are devouted or devoted to um assisted suicide right so St from Oakville Ontario 56 was harassed by made nurses every three hours while in the hospital kg and Brampton KJ in Brampton Ontario 49 was receiving calls at home after a brief hospital visit he was receiving calls from a brief hospital visit at home harassing him hey did you give that made a thought hey did you think maybe assisted suicide might be for you hey it looks like you only got nine dollars in your bank account maybe it's a good good idea how do we get here right watch the first SOS video watch over the 10 years of videos we've been talking about the money laundering and and the disenfranchising of Canadian middle class and Canadians having to keep up with money launderers by bringing rates down to dangerous levels to take on more debt and then hey guess what we're gonna help you kill yourself now LT in medicine Medicine Hat Alberta Mike your bang on on your predictions all these years and what is scaring me is after I saw your SOS video not even an hour later my friend my friend of 41 years calls me and and told me she was asked several times if she wanted to end her life this is crazy uh I shared your videos to others so after brief hospital visits to get your information and then they start mailing you stuff and start telling you that maybe it's a good idea and your life uh from TC T1 says they pressured my dad in Toronto Ontario and he is no longer with us and only of our few family members knew that he was that he passed on he passed away with assisted suicide so they they come in they try to get you secretively to talk to you right I got an email from someone else that my mother was pulled aside uh while I was in my hospital bed telling the nurses were telling her so my mother could be talked into ending my life the girl that was in the hospital was basically being told that it's the best the best thing for hers to end her life and her mother said absolutely not I'm taking her home and this is dangerous I'm this is getting out of hand and the secretive way they're doing it is very manipulative and not telling all the fact that don't tell your family we told you this kind of attitude that ending your life may be the best thing and your family doesn't see that or know that yet the amount of messages I'm getting from across the country from people waking up or not waking up but but getting forced okay I was I was given a message from someone that went to go do something on their Canadian passport there was something they had to do on the passport so they went in and got it fixed because they needed it to get updated for something and the lady asked him would you ever consider made or or basically ending your life through assisted suicide the guy's like I'm 32 years old what do you what what so this is happening governments government-sanctioned murder is going to go full force in 2024 the pendulum has swung back the narrative is falling apart we are now in the aftermath okay and I think it's going to get a lot

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