Mama Bear's Heroic Stand, Gaetz's Forceful Message & Government Cover-Up: Today's News! | RVM Roundup With Chad Caton

1 year ago

Join us for a gripping news journey - witness a protective Mama Bear thwarting danger, Gaetz's call for change through force, and the Biden regime's sweeping cover-up strategy. Sen. Ron Johnson drops a truth bomb, CNN questions democracy, and Jamie Raskin's Trump Derangement Syndrome takes center stage. Stay informed and engaged with today's top news highlights!

Tune into RVM Roundup Mon-Thur at 6 PM EST to catch the news of the day and the best viral videos from around the internet.

Today’s best:

1: FAFO: Armed Ex Confronts Family, Protective Mama Bear Ends the Threat [VIDEOS]

2: Gaetz’s Fiery Message: We Can Change Washington ‘Only Through Force’ [VIDEOS]

3: Biden Regime Deploying A Whole Of Government Strategy To Cover-Up Its Crimes [VIDEO]

4: Sen. Ron Johnson Drops A Truth Bomb We’d Never Thought We’d Hear On Fox News [VIDEO]

5: CNN: Small Donors Are Now A Problem For Democracy | We The People? [VIDEOS]

6: Jamie Raskin's Trump Derangement Syndrome Flares Up When Asked About Hunter [VIDEO]

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