Alia: Miles Guo Is a Perfect Example of the CCP's Infiltration and Vast Overseas Networks

1 year ago

08/11/2023 Aila on The Jeff Dornik Show: Mr. Miles Guo has been the target of the CCP. The Chinese Communist Party had been relentlessly sending CCP agents coming to the United States trying to assassinate him in the past years and trying to convince Trump to deport him in Trump's time. So Miles himself is a perfect example of the CCP's vast overseas network and the extent of CCP infiltration over the past years.
08/11/2023 小飞象做客The Jeff Dornik Show:郭文贵先生一直是中共迫害的目标。在过去几年里,中共一直不遗余力地派遣特工前来美国试图暗杀郭先生,甚至在川普时代试图说服川普将郭先生遣返。因此,郭先生本人就是完美

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